
Friday 23 March 2012

Session 21 - Apples on a stick

The children were eager to share the blindfolded caterpillar game with our Class 6 visitor today. There were squeals of excitement as we navigated our way across the field and round the vegetable beds (at least I think that is where we went!). We quickly discovered that the instructions to turn in a particular direction needed to be passed down the line, because if the person at the back followed the person at the front's instruction immediately, they turned too soon (potentially ending up in the vegetable beds!)

The children helped to set up the fire safety area and SS explained our fire safety procedures to EN, our Class 6 visitor. EN had used a fire steel previously at an outdoor learning session at Eccleshill Big Swing, so she was keen to test out her skills at fire lighting. In no time, we had a steady fire burning and set about preparing our marshmallow skewers.

NK and JA wanted to continue with the mallet making from last week. They took it in turns to use a fixed blade knife to smooth the surface of the mallet.

NK wanted to make her own mallet, but we had a limited supply of green wood. She asked if we could use one of the older pieces of wood. We were able to saw through the piece of apple wood with the bow saw successfully. However, we found that the billhook would not cut through the wood to form the handle as the wood was far too hard and dry. We agreed to wait until we had some more green wood to make the mallet. Meanwhile, the apple wood would make excellent fuel for the fire.

Talking of apples. This week we decided to have a go at making toffee apples over the fire. We skewered our apples and blackened the skin over the fire before peeling it away. Next, we dipped our apples in cinnamon sugar and put them back over the fire. We had varying degrees of success, with some of the apples attempting a daring escape from the skewers!

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