
Sunday 20 May 2012

An Action Packed Year at Fagley

It has been quite an intense week for most Year 6 children this week as they have being doing their SATs. Children at Fagley Primary have been working hard all year and have taken this week as an opportunity to shine and show how far they have come. It hasn't been all about hitting the books. There have been multiple opportunities to experience a whole range of activities to broaden their horizons. The year kicked off with a trip to London to visit the Natural History Museum, take in a show (the fabulous Phantom of the Opera) and see the sights.
They have also had the chance to build and run their own pop up museum which was opened to the public for a week, giving the children chance to show off what they have been learning about all year. Exhibits included an Anderson shelter, Steampunk Mario Karts and Van Gogh inspired paintings. Visitors were invited to make Tudor pomanders, try their hand at rag rug making or sock darning.

Each week children have been able to attend Forest School sessions or prepare and sell delicious, cakes and flapjacks.
The latest high point has been writing and publishing their own book of short stories, which was launched with a book signing event last week.

So entering into SATs week, the children had a whole host of real life experiences to draw upon. The afternoons of SATs week were given over to wonderful outdoor learning activities. In homage to the Jubilee, the children worked together to create a huge Union Jack from natural materials. They have also been working on making a giant dragon inspired by the tale of George and the Dragon. The Forest School group led a session on campfire cookery and den building. They took great delight in testing how waterproof the finished dens were with the help of several buckets of water!
The week was rounded off by a visit from the guys from APE ( . The children were let loose with piles of junk to make whatever their imagination allowed. There were scenes from Titanic, mouse traps, bomb shelters and robots to name but a few!

1 comment:

  1. I do not remember my school years being this interesting or such a major enticement to learn. Well done.
