
Thursday 14 June 2012

Session 27 - Chocolate Smothered Bannock Bread

The recent wet weather had caused the grass around our fire circle and fire pit to grow very long which could have presented quite a hazard for our planned campfire session today. Thankfully the site manager came to our rescue and cut the grass back just before our session was due to begin.

We had very little dry kindling to get the fire going today so we used some firelighters to help get the fire established. Whilst SL and SS tended the fire, JA and NK set to work cutting up some pieces of wood from a wooden climbing frame I had dismantled. They made themselves a platform to saw on by stacking up some of the log stepping stones. They found that the thin wide planks of wood were harder to cut through than the squarer planks as they were harder to grip. However, after experimenting with various techniques, they were able to successfully cut through all the wooden planks. NK noticed that the planks of wood that had dark thin rings inside them were harder to cut through than the planks with lots of pale wide rings inside.

Before the session, the children looked through some campfire cookery books for ideas of what to cook over the fire today. They settled on the Forest School favourite, bannock bread (also known as campfire or damper bread). They agreed that it would be nice to serve the bread with hazelnut spread.

The recipe we used for the bread was:

2 cups plain flour
1 and a bit teaspoons of baking powder
half a teaspoon of salt
2 ish tablespoons of vegetable oil
3 tablespoons of dried milk powder
enough water to bring the mixture to a dough

The children wound the dough around sticks that had been stripped of their bark. They took care to bake the bread over the heat of the embers rather than the flames to ensure it cooked evenly.
Once nicely browned, copious amounts of hazelnut spread was smeared over the bread, which melted satisfyingly!

NK didn't have quite enough time to finish baking her bread before the end of the session so she decided to take it home to finish in the oven.

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