
Friday 26 February 2016

Slipping, Slacklining and Sreeching

We have had a delightfully crisp and sunny week at Forest School this week. The children have enjoyed sliding on icy pathways, discovering sparkling frost fringed leaves and crashing through ice covered puddles. Winter may still be holding its icy grip on the woodland, but there are of spring on the horizon. Snowdrops and celandine are beginning to bloom and the birds are signing loudly to attract a mate. The children have been making good use of the hammocks and binoculars gain a different perspective on the woodland, taking advantage of the open tree canopy to watch the birds flitting from tree to tree overhead. Over the past few weeks, Hazel group have been learning to identify the birdsong of some of our woodland visitors. As we entered the wood, Jack and Murtaza identified the screech of a jay as it swooped down into the valley below. As we sipped our hot chocolate at snack time, Serish and Zarin picked out the 'teacher teacher' call of a great tit and 'pink pink' chirp of a chaffinch. And as we were sat quietly waiting for our 'sardine' to hide we heard the drillll of a woodpecker resonating through the trees.

The drier weather has also enabled us revisit some of the activities the children enjoyed last year. Hazel and Beech group have been honing their balancing skills on the slackline whilst Oak group have been using the loppers and fixed blade knives to whittle spears, light sabers and French arrows.

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