
Friday 4 November 2016

Back to School with a Bang, Whoosh, Crackle and Pop

 After October half term, Forest School has returned with a bang...whoosh and crackle. The woodland is a blaze of autumnal colour and with Guy Fawkes night just around the corner, the children were inspired to create some stunning firework leaf murals. Muhammed Suffyan chose some bright yellow hazel leaves  russet beech leaves surrounded by acorns for his design.

Other designs included acorn Catherine wheels, sycamore starbursts and beech and hazel rainbows and peacocks. The weather conditions for woodland leaf art were near perfect - cool but dry and bright with hardly a whisper of a breeze. A truly magical time to be out in the woods.

Rowan and Willow group took advantage of the piles of dry leaves to bury each other like hibernating hedgehogs and make leaf angels on the forest floor. Taking a closer look a a particularly lovely beech leaf, Libby noticed the outline of what looked like a sword etched into the leaf.

Beech group found it was an especially good time of year to lie in the hammock and gaze up at the kaleidoscope of leaves above illuminated by the gentle autumn sunlight (Also a great spot to enjoy a warming cup of hot chocolate with friends).

On a distinctly chilly Thursday morning, Holly group gathered around the fire circle to share their thoughts on keeping safe this bonfire weekend. We set up our safety area and practiced moving safely around our fire circle before lighting our campfire and enjoying some delicious s'mores. Once the fire was safely extinguished and cooled, the children used the leftover charcoal to create firework designs on the playground.

Woodland murals
The Sword in the Leaf


Guess who is hiding under the leaves?

1 comment:

  1. I really like the patterns that you have created using the natural items in the woods. They look just like some of the fireworks that I saw on Saturday!

    Miss Robinson
