
Monday 2 October 2017

Hedgehog Rescue

On returning from our Forest School session a week ago with reception group, we found a rather forlorn looking hedgehog sheltering in our changing area. Her nose was injured and she had a large mass on the back of her head. Hedgehogs do not normally come out during the daytime, so we knew she must be very poorly and in need of urgent help.
After a quick search of the internet, we found there were a few hedgehog sanctuaries nearby. I first contacted Steph at Herby in Bingley. Steph said she was full to capacity with poorly hedgehogs but would ring round and see if there was anyone nearby who could take her in. She was able to put me in touch with Heather at the Hedgehoggery in Shipley, who said she would be able to take our little fellow in. Heather said it was really important to keep the hedgehog warm and get her to the Hedgehoggery as soon as possible. I bundled her up in a box filled with towels and warm water bottles, put the heating on full in the car and whisked her over to Heather as soon as I could.
Heather looked her over as soon as we arrived. She concluded that our little hedgie had had a run in with a strimmer resulting in the injury to her nose. She was also infested with fly eggs and was struggling to breathe. Heather said she would take the hedgehog (which she named Rosie) to the vet straight away.
The vet remove the fly eggs and cleaned the wound on the back of Rosie’s head. She was given medicine to help her chest infection and treat her for the parasites in her gut. Heather put her in an incubator to keep her warm gave her more medicine to help her to breathe easier.
After the amazing care given by Heather, Rosie is enjoying her food, putting on weight, her chest infection has cleared up and the wound on the back of her head has healed. Her nose injury is taking a little longer to heal, but Heather has been able to move her from the incubator to a box with a heat pad.

Heather’s charity relies on donations to care for her spiky patients, so it would be wonderful if our school to raise some money to say thank you for the wonderful care she has given Rosie. If you have any suggestions for fun raising ideas, please let Miss Worthington know.
You can follow the Hedgehoggery on Facebook
For more information on what to do if you find a hedgehog:

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