
Monday, 31 March 2014

A Guiding Hand

We had a new member of staff helping out at Forest School today, Mrs McGrath. The steep slopes and muddy paths can be quite a challenge for the uninitiated. Bailey noticed that Mrs McGrath was in need of some assistance, so walked back to where she was and guided her safely to our summit camp at the top of the hill.

The children spotted this 'Dragon's Pit' on the top of our slope and decided that the commanding views over the beck would make it a good seating area. 

The children used our new binoculars to get a closer look at the beck at the bottom of the hill

Alex looks for his house across the valley.

Buds are starting to appear on branches in our wood.

 Teamwork - Alex, Ibrahim and Kayden transport branches for the frame of the shelter over 'Dragon's Pit.

 Bailey finding good trees to climb and take a rest on.

Kayden creates a triangular base to support his shelter

The Harry Potter tree near Dragon's Pit

The boys use a rope to transport rocks to use a seats up a slope to Dragon's Pit

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