
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Session 16 - Temporary Fire Circle

The severe overnight frosts we have been experiencing have turned our Fire Circle into an ice rink. I took my group out at break time today to assess the risks the ice posed and the effect it would have on this afternoon's session. The children agreed that the ice meant the fire circle was too dangerous to use. "You could slip here and then you might fall in the fire, so it is a hazard."

We discussed what other options there were for the afternoon's session. The children were very keen to still be able to have a fire and bearing in mind how cold it was, we really needed to find a way around the ice problem. S suggested that as the playground was clear of ice we could have a fire there. We talked about what problems there might be. The first issue was to check that no-one else would be using the playground at the time of our session. Once we had established that the playground would be free, we could begin planning our temporary fire circle.

At the start of the session, we laid out our tool and safety area as usual. We had a fire bowl, so this would prevent any damage to the tarmac. However, working on tarmac meant that for today, we would not be able to use the tripod.

We talked about the checks we need to do when setting up a new fire circle. S said that we needed to look for signs of nesting animals in the area of the fire circle and any trip hazards or things that could set alight. N said we needed to make sure that nothing was hanging over the fire circle like branches or cables. J said we needed to decide where the entrance to the fire circle should be and how far we should stand from the fire. 
The children placed the fire bowl on the tarmac and then we walked around in a circle to mark where we thought the perimeter of the circle should be. We marked the area with cones. We practised entering and exiting the circle safely.
Before lighting the fire, we assessed the direction of the wind to ensure that we would not be working in the are where the smoke would be blowing.

Once the fire was established, we prepared pitta pizzas which were wrapped in foil and placed on the embers. N's mum brave the cold to join us and had the opportunity to master the use of a fire steel ably assisted by her daughter.
And of course there was some obligatory marshmallow toasting. 

Once the session was finished and everything was cleared away, you would never had known we had been there. It gave me great confidence to see how much the children have learnt about safely building a fire with consideration for their environment.  This learning will stand us in good stead when we progress to working in the local woodland.

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