
Tuesday 15 December 2015

House Morning in the Woods

At Fagley Primary each child is
 assigned a house group named after a famous Bradfordian. Siblings are assigned the same house and children from Reception to Year 6 are represented in each group. Every half term, the groups take part in a house morning where they meet to take part in fun educational activities aimed at promoting collaborative learning. This term these have included circus skills, cooking, museum visits and of course Forest School. 

Miriam Lord group joined us in the woods, togged up for the very wet weather. This didn't dampen their enthusiasm though. After wading through the flood water and muddy pathways, we began the session with a game of Head Honcho. The children picked up the rules of the game very quickly, but the teachers took a bit longer!

Next, the children were divided into four teams to hunt for woodland treasure. Each member of the team had to bring back the item being saught. The team leaders took it in turns to choose an item for the teams to hunt for (a stick as long as your finger, a brown leaf with no holes in, a stone you can fit in your hand) and the first team back each time scored a point. As well as the woodland treasure, there was other treasure to be found in the shape of chocolate coins. When the game was over, the coins were shared out among the players and were enjoyed with a a warming cup of hot chocolate (which gave us the boost we needed to negotiate the soggy walk back to school!)

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