
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Windy Day Fun

Well we certainly have had all turbulent few weeks of weather with storm Henry following on the heals of storm Gertrude. Whenever possible, aim to head outside whatever the weather however we have had a couple of sessions when the combination of gale force winds, driving rain and biting cold have defeated us. This didn't stop us having fun though. In preparation for the RSPB Big Schools Birdwatch, Holly and Hazel group played games to help them recognise a range of woodland birds. They played matching pairs and find your flock and made bird ID dials . We also had some highly entertaining and competitive rounds of Peg Ninja and Aribah showed her stealthy side in the Heron & Otter game.

When we did manage to venture outside, we turned the windy weather to our adventure making rainbow streamers (with which we managed to conjure a real rainbow) and stick men parachutists.
Danish discovered that if he made a bigger parachute for his stickman, it travelled further. Jacob discovered that the plastic bags worked better than fabric for the parachutes.
Mudassir and Heru noticed they could use their rainbow streamers to see which way the wind was blowing.

Peg Ninja from Fagley Primary Forest School on Vimeo.

Feb 2nd (3) from Fagley Primary Forest School on Vimeo.

Stick Men Parachutists from Fagley Primary Forest School on Vimeo.

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