
Sunday 22 January 2017

Cherry group try out our new kit

At Fagley Primary Forest School, we believe it is important for our children to be able to enjoy the outdoors whatever the weather. Children are encouraged to bring their own gloves, hats and spare socks, and to ensure their comfort and wellbeing, we provide them with a set of waterproofs to wear during their session. This allows the children to really challenge themselves and feel free to explore all the woods have to offer. All that tree climbing, puddle splashing and den building does take its toll though. So, this week, we took delivery of some shiny new waterproofs. Cherry group were the first to try out the new kit on a suitably damp and misty morning. Undeterred we ventured out ready to explore, stopping off on the way to feed the horses and of course, splash in a few puddles. When we reached our woodland base, the children were free to explore  and follow their interests. Kevin noticed that the bark on the branch of a tree was loose and starting to break away. He, Alivira and Zahra were keen to find out what was lurking below. As they dug away, they discovered woodlice and centipedes feasting on the crumbly rotting wood. Meanwhile Kai and Kayla collected wood and leaves to create a shelter whilst Rijana, Hooria and Halima went in search of treasure. We rounded off the morning with a warm drink and a chat about what we would like to do next time.

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