
Tuesday 3 January 2017

I am a mole and I live in a hole...

A new year begins and new groups of children begin their term at Forest School. Today it was the turn of cherry group. As we made our way to the woods, Kevin noticed some dark black clouds in the distance. "It might rain and thunder" he remarked. Luckily although chilly and rather blustery, the rain held off.
As we walked into the woods, the children noticed brown mounds of earth piled up. What had caused the mud piles to appear I queried. Kayla and Kevin knew the culprits were moles, burrowing underground. "They eat worms" Kayla added, "I can see worm holes here, look".
We continued our adventure into the woods. As we walked, Kai suggested that if we came across a bear, we should be nice to it. The children had learned all about going on a bear hunt on their trip to Nell Bank before the holidays. Hooria said if it was dark, we would have seen some owls.
We reached our stone circle in Welly Wang Valley and set out our boundaries for the session. It was quite blustery, so we had to keep a look out for loose branches above us. After a few games of hide and seek, the children used the binoculars, magnifying glasses and trowels to hunt for treasure. Halima dug down and found some treasure, but needed to dig deeper before she could retrieve her booty, a magical rock.
Kai found a fabulous stick with a piece of wool attached, which he used as a fishing rod and a kite. Kayla said the stick she had found was like Harry Potter's wand. Kayla told me that over the Christmas holiday, she had enjoyed watching Harry Potter films before bedtime. She also found one that had leaves and wool attached to it, which she turned into an animal puppet. Hooria found a long stick that looked like it had an eagle's claw on the end of it. 
After snack, it was time to make our way back to school. We didn't manage to spot any bears this time, but Hooria and Kai nearly lost their wellingtons in the oozy oozy mud!

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