
Thursday 14 January 2016

I Can't Feel my Face at Forest School...

The weather took a decidely wintery turn today at Forest School. As we headed towards the woods, a light dusting of snow began to drift down, but then as if from nowhere, the wind began to howl. We paused at the edge of the woodland to assess the situation. We observed the branches of the trees whipping around wildly in the gusty blasts and the trunks swaying ominously. Whilst we knew we would benefit from the shelter of the trees if we ventured into the wood, we had to weigh this up against the risk of branches being dislodged and potentially causing injury to one of our group. On balance, we decided that the weather was to unpredictable to risk it. So we had two options left, head back to school or choose an alternative route to walk. We decided that we would follow the bridleway in the direction that would avoid the large trees and try to find a sheltered spot to enjoy the view and drink our hot chocolate.

The wind was certainly bracing and as we turned back towards school head on to the wind, the cold air bit at our cheeks prompting an outburst of song:

Jan 14th (1) from Fagley Primary Forest School on Vimeo.

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